screen mirror oculus go

How to screen-mirror your Oculus Go and record gameplay

Gameplay commentary and online streaming has been peaking up as the cultural zeitgeist in recent years. People are leaving their 9 to 5 jobs in order to try and make a living off of their hobbies: video games. It is an exciting time to be a video game journalist and Let’s Play enthusiast. A lot of new hardware is coming out that is making it easier to deliver content to your viewers. Now you can do it via the Oculus Go. Here is what you will need to do:

Enable Developer Mode

  1. Go to and create an Organization name.
  2. Open the Oculus app and locate the setting option. Choose More Settings and inside the menu enable Developer Mode.
  3. Connect your Oculus Go to your computer via a USB cable.


How to Screen-mirror?

You will need to set up an ADB command that sends output stream toy our player. We recommend using VLC Player. The initial limit of recording is 3 minutes, but by repeatedly inserting the command, you are forcing a loop that will keep the device recording for an extended period of time. The ADB command will need to know the location of your player in order to be able to connect the loop.  When installing VLC player, it will automatically be installed to C:\Program Files(x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe

  1. Open the command prompt in Windows. Make sure you open it in Admin Mode. Enter this command into the available field:


adb execout “while true; do screenrecord –bit-rate=8m –output-format=h264 –time-limit 180 -; done” | “C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe” demux h264 h264fps=60 clockjitter=0 networkcaching=100 soutmuxcaching=100 


This command will force the recording to loop every 3 minutes which will result in an uninterrupted recording session. Now you are ready to start recording those fantastic gameplay videos for your audience!

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